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Det kan for nye prosjekter gis utviklingstilskudd til prosjekter der målet er utvikling frem til produksjonsbeslutning. Tilskuddet skal blant annet bidra til utvikling av prosjekter av høy kunstnerisk, produksjonsmessig, økonomisk, teknisk og markedsmessig kvalitet, og eventuelt være bransjebyggende.

Det kan gis produksjonstilskudd der formålet er ferdigstilling av prosjektet. Tilskudd skal bidra til realisering av prosjekter av høy kunstnerisk kvalitet, og sikre et bredt og mangfoldig repertoar for alle målgrupper.

Det er løpende søknadsfrister for adm. Søknadsbehandling opp til og med kr. 300 000, dette gjelder for alle formater. Søknader over kr. 300 000 har egne frister.


Production and industry advisor




CEO Jan Hauge
Phone: 915 91 217

When applying for development of a script for short or feature-length fiction: at an early stage of development, you may first apply to write a synopsis or treatment, and then later use these as a basis for applying for a grant to write the actual script. The total grant framework of NOK 50,000 (short films) and NOK 100,000 (longer formats) can therefore be divided between several applications for the same development project.

If you want to go straight to an application for a screenplay, you are required to submit a well-developed treatment or a comprehensive synopsis, or a first draft of the screenplay. Applications to write a synopsis or treatment are somewhat less demanding, but must contain a clear and concrete premise for the story.

  • Writing money
  • Development of short films, documentaries and feature films
  • Development of games in an early phase
  • production of short films, documentaries and long formats
  • For writing allowance, the applicant must be an ENK with relevant professional experience/industry code.
  • For other audiovisual applications, the applicant must be a limited company with relevant business activities. See more information about industry codes in our regulations
  • The project must have a connection to Rogaland. Key personnel must have significant professional experience in their field, and be resident and have a business address in Rogaland

See Filmkraft's regulations section 4 for requirements for the various schemes.

  • Films without credits
  • Production of long fiction
  • Production of content such as advertising, news, reality, commissioned films, coverage of sports events and production of material that is not publicly available
  • Versioning of existing projects
  • Training products, educational tools, reference books or manuals
  • Operating subsidies
  • Student films as part of your studies
  • Ex-post subsidies
  • Framework subsidy
  • All applications are submitted via RegPortal, where all communication about the application/project also takes place.
  • All applications are assessed by a consultant and production advisor who submit their recommendations.
  • All applications are processed in the CEO's decision and nomination meeting (VIM).
  • Decisions on applications over NOK 300,000 are made by Filmkraft's board of directors, following a recommendation from the general manager through consideration by VIM.
  • Decisions on applications up to and including NOK 300,000 are made by the general manager through processing by VIM.
  • The Public Administration Act applies to Filmkraft's case management
  • The decision may, according to The provisions of the Public Administration Act § 28 and § 29 can be appealed via a written appeal, clearly marked with "appeal" in the subject field in the application portal, within 3 weeks of receiving the decision letter. The appeal must be in writing and contain: - reference to the decision being appealed - reason for the appeal - changes requested
  • Filmkraft's board of directors, cf. Administrative Procedure Act § 33may reverse the decision. If the decision is upheld, the board prepares the case and sends it to the final appeal body, which is the Media Complaints Board (Medieklagenemnda)
  • Filmkraft has 3 application deadlines each year for applications over NOK 300,000. Applications up to and including NOK 300,000 are processed on an ongoing basis.
  • The treatment time is normally 4-6 weeks.

Audiovisual works - writing fees, development and production

Løpende søknadsfrister opp til og med kr 300 000. For søknader om tilskudd over kr 300 000 gjelder følgende frister for 2025:

22. januar kl 14:00 (behandles i styremøte 13. mars)

9. april kl 14:00 (behandles i styremøte 5. juni)

24. september kl 14:00 (behandles i styremøte 13. november)