Har du en kanonidé til en film, men får liksom ikke ordene ned på papiret? Hvordan i all verden kan dette bli til et filmmanus? Du kan få hjelp av en erfaren manusforfatter.
You can apply for a MENTORSTIPEND in the talent schemes. Here you will receive script guidance from an experienced writer to write out and further develop your idea or story. You can choose your own mentor, but they must be approved by Filmkraft.
Selv om det mest vanlige er å søke om manusveiledning, er det også mulig å søke mentorstipend innenfor andre roller som f.eks. produksjon/produsent.
You agree with your mentor on a progress plan for the script guidance. The most common is between 5-10 hours. The entire amount will go to the mentor as a fee. Once you have applied and the mentor has been approved by us, Filmkraft Talent will draw up a contract with the mentor. After the project, the mentor sends an invoice directly to us.
We don't have any permanent mentors, but here's a small group of screenwriters other talents have used in the past.
Regelverk 4.9.
When applying for development of a script for short or feature-length fiction: at an early stage of development, you may first apply to write a synopsis or treatment, and then later use these as a basis for applying for a grant to write the actual script. The total grant framework of NOK 50,000 (short films) and NOK 100,000 (longer formats) can therefore be divided between several applications for the same development project.
If you want to go straight to an application for a screenplay, you are required to submit a well-developed treatment or a comprehensive synopsis, or a first draft of the screenplay. Applications to write a synopsis or treatment are somewhat less demanding, but must contain a clear and concrete premise for the story.
Jakob Rørvik is a graduate of the National Film & Television School in London. His TV series " Dates in RealLife" will premiere on NRK in the fall of 2024. 2022 saw the release of his first feature film, the critically acclaimed Thomas vs Thomas, which was developed at the Sundance Screenwriters Lab. He is also working on his second feature film. His short films have screened at festivals such as South By Southwest and Cannes - Cinéfondation, as well as on online platforms such as Vimeo Staff Pick and Nowness.
Rolf Kristian Larsen started his acting career at Rogaland Children's Theatre, and graduated from the National Academy of Theatre (KHIO). He made his breakthrough with the lead role in the film The Man Who Loved Yngve , which also earned him an Amanda nomination for Best Actor for the role of Jarle Klepp. In 2007 he won Best Actor at the Festival de cine fantástico de Málaga, for his performance in Fritt Vilt.
Terje Torkildsen (f. 1971) har meir enn tretti års erfaring som skribent og formidlar. Han er utdanna norsklektor men har dei siste tiåra livnært seg som skodespelar, komikar og forfattar. Han har jobba med film sidan nittitalet og er truleg mest kjent som prinsippfast drosjesjåfør i kultfilmen Mongoland. I 2008 debuterte han som romanforfattar og har gitt ut femten bøker. Han skriv mest for barn og unge og har m.a. vunne ungdomslitteraturprisen Uprisen to gonger. Forfattarskapen hans er prega av action og humor, og han bruker ofte filmatiske verkemiddel i forteljingane sine. Dei mest kjende bøkene er Marki Marko, Dystopia-serien, Arrfjes og novellekransen Stavanger Stories 1-3. Torkildsen skriv også manus for film og scene.
Talent advisor
Geir Petter Røssland
Phone 48 600 187
Mentorveiledning innenfor manus, regi og produksjon.
People aged 18-35 with a permanent address in Rogaland. Students can apply with a temporary address.
- Script, script draft, synopsis or treatment.
- Your CV
- Mentor CV
- Project description
- Progress plan
- Letter of intent with mentor
- Budget
2-4 weeks processing time.
At the end of the initiative, a final report must be submitted by you and your mentor. No later than two months after the measure is over.