Filmkraft is located on the 3rd floor of KINOKINO in Sandnes.
The old Town Hall Theater in Sandnes was designed by architect Gustav Helland and completed in 1941. It is built in concrete and bears the stylistic hallmarks of both functionalism and Art Deco. The building has been used as a cinema, library, town hall, etc. Cinema operations ended in 2003. The restoration of the building, which began in 2007, is still ongoing.
KINOKINO Senter for Kunst og Film var et kommunalt foretak fra 09.09.09 til 2013. I dag finner du fremdeles høy aktivitet på huset med KINOKINO filmklubb, KINOKINO kunstsal og Sandnes kunstforening. Sandnes kulturhus er arrangør av film, konserter og kulturarrangementer på huset. KINOKINO leies ut til eksterne aktører.
Next door to KINOKINO, in the old fire station, you'll find Stasjon K Art Studios, a studio community for professional artists.
Filmkraft moved into KINOKINO in October 2020 and it is in KINOKINO's premises that we hold most of our events.